

The primary mission of Casa Hogar Bienvenidos is to provide free Christian preschool for children ages 2-6 years.   Our normal enrollment runs between forty and fifty youngsters, the majority of whom come from homes where a single mother is working in the fields to provide for her family. Without the free care offered by Welcome Home, some parents might be forced to leave their youngest children in the care of older siblings who, in turn, would be unable to attend school.


All of the personnel at Welcome Home are devoted Christians who desire to serve God by providing loving care for the children.  The staff transport the children to and from our facility every day, Monday through Friday. The children arrive around 7:00 a.m. and are greeted by our teachers who provide hygiene care as necessary. The children gather in the dining hall for breakfast, then return to their classrooms where instruction is given in such areas as colors, numbers, letters, and how to get along with one another. The daily routine is saturated with the word of God through Bible stories, music and prayer.


Lunch is served to the children, followed by naps and play time; then the children are returned to their homes at 3:00 p.m.

Our four- and five-year- olds attend public Kindergarten during the school year. Welcome Home provides their school uniforms and they are escorted to the public school where they spend 3 hours each morning and are escorted back to Welcome Home in time for lunch.

It is a great privilege and joy to serve local hard working families who cannot afford to pay for the child care that is desperately needed for young children in our area. Our daycare is a safe and loving environment, where children have their physical needs met, receive education, have fun and most important, experience the love of Jesus!
